Non-profit association established on August 27th 2007.
Company number: 0892.929.639
Board of directors:
Chairman: Danny Bijnens
Treasurer: Albert Winderix
Secretary: Hendrik Drieskens

Association objectives:
  1. Research and preserve the history of Kleine-Brogel airfield and the residing flying units, with special attention for the "Story of the 10th Wing".
  2. Establish and expand a museum in order to preserve the available material in a vivid way for the present and future generations.
  3. Co-operate with the 10th Wing in such matters as mark of honour as well as social and charity actions.
KB Air Museum, Kleine-Brogel airfield, 3990 Peer, Belgium.
Tel: 02/4433625
Bank Account: BE87 7340-4699-5394